JUARA III KLASEMEN SMP BRASS Se Malang RayaPost author:Post published:27 February 2018Post category:PrestasiPost comments:0 CommentsTim Drumband SMP Laboratorium UM berhasil menyabet juara III KLASEMEN SMP BRASS pada Parade Drum Band 100 Tahun Kota Malang Se Malang Raya. Parade ini diadakan pada 11-12 April 2014. You Might Also Like Festival Teater Tingkat SMP/MTs Se-Jawa Timur 27 February 2018 KEMENANGAN TEAM FUTSAL SMPLAB UM 20 October 2018 LIVIA EL VARIAN 11 December 2019Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to commentEnter your email address to commentEnter your website URL (optional)