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Belajar Bareng Bule Spanyol

Bulan Juli, SMP Laboratorium UM kedatangan tamu dari Spanyol, seorang mahasiswi Jurusan Nutrisi dari Universidad Blanquerna. Siswa SMP Laboratorium UM sangat antusias menyambut kedatangan Miss Ale, begitu siswa memanggilnya. Selama berada di SMP Laboratorium UM siswa belajar kebudayaan Spanyol dan Barcelona dari Miss Ale. Tak lupa, siswa-siswi juga memperkenalkan kebudayaan Indonesia kepada beliau, mulai dari makanan hingga tarian tradisional Indonesia. Miss Ale akan berada di SMP Lab UM sampai akhir bulan Agustus ini. Selain kegiatan di dalam kelas, pembelajaran dengan Miss Ale juga dilaksanakan secara outdoor. Pada hari Senin (13/8), seluruh siswa ICP dari kelas 7 sampai kelas 9 melakukan pembelajaran outdoor dengan mengendarai Malang City Tour (Bus Macyto). Berlaga layaknya tour guide, siswa ICP menjelaskan berbagai macam bangunan di Kota Malang yang mereka lalui selama berada di Bus Macyto.


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  1. ghhvkitmvd

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

  2. pnvrqlodt

    The formula left a significant first impression: As mentioned in my previous review, “I’m relatively certain that this mascara could survive a nuclear apocalypse.” But now, six months later, I stand by this statement more than ever. FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS WORTH RS. 12,000 & ABOVE Here’s a different take on Benefit’s They’re Real! Mascara, which uses the subtle force of a magnetically charged formula to lift and lengthen your lashes. Lips look glossy, dewy & plumped with Lip Injection Maximum Plump With that in mind, we rounded up our editors’ absolute favorite mascaras of all time, including a few Best of Beauty winners, with brands ranging from drugstore favorites like Maybelline New York to Sephora darlings like Too Faced and Anastasia Beverly Hills. We’ve also got the luxury market covered (hi, Dior and YSL Beauty).
    100% Cruelty Free + Vegan Dermatologist-tested. Hypoallergenic. Non-comedogenic. You all know I believe that good skincare is worth a higher price tag, but I am ALWAYS on the look out for good deals. Thankfully Dr. Brandt Skincare is offering a code to SAVE 40% with code “FUN40” until May 31! Here’s the close up of the pore minimizing effect! As you can see, it is not a particularly significant difference but creates a slight blur to the skin to make it look super smooth. I basically took the photograph from the same position and the lighting changed a little so no, it didn’t brighten my skin to a large extent BUT! it did make my face appear a whole lot smoother ;)! Mmm… I was expecting more, its like so watery and it doesn’t cover my pores at all. I wish this one has SFP like the other primer from NARS, but it’s ok but not for the price, I think you pay…

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